Association Name : AOTS ABK Dosokai Karachi Regional Centre
Country : Karachi (Pakistan)
Brief Description of Association :
- The promotion of friendship and mutual understanding among the members, who share the common experience of training in Japan.
- The further enhancement of technical and managerial expertise of members through exchange of experiences mutually and through refresher training programs.
- The encouragement, promotion and fostering the mutual understanding, goodwill and friendly relations between the people of Pakistan and Japan.
- To foster goodwill among the people of developing countries through reciprocation of trainings under inter alumni exchange programs, cultural Exchange and mutual bilateral programs irrespective of religion, race, creed and nationality.
- To contribute to the economic and industrial development of Pakistan through Human Resource Development
Scope of Activities:
The Alumni Society shall conduct the activities to realize the aims and objectives set forth in the constitution as non-political and non-profit making organization to serve the members irrespective of race, religion, caste and creed.
- Dispatching of trainees and groups recommended by The Alumni Society to AOTS (Japan) and/or to other Organizations/Countries under AOTS Inter Alumni Society Resource Exchange Programs.
- Organization of lectures, seminars, In-Plant Training, conferences etc. within the country.
- Operations of Japanese language classes.
- To encourage the exchange of students, teachers, scholars, etc. to promote the technical skills and knowledge between Pakistan and other Asian countries in general and Japan in particular.
- To make available books, magazines, periodicals, Audio, Video cassettes, CD and DVD etc. for enhancement of knowledge of members.
- Issue of Newsletter, publishing of reference text material, operations of The Alumni Society library for exchange of information
- Exchange with AOTS, and other AOTS Regional offices, other AOTS Alumni societies, and their Federations collaborative programs, convening of regional and international conferences and conventions.
- To hold social and cultural programs and functions to promote harmony and friendship among members.
- To arrange Annual Dinners, Get-together, Picnics and sports to be participated by members and their family members.
- To receive Guests, goodwill missions from AOTS and other AOTS Alumni societies for cultural exchange.
- To co-operate and co-ordinate with The Japan Culture Center, Karachi in organizing events of common interest.
Name of Contact Person for Correspondence :
President : ENGR. ABDUL MAJEED SHEIKH Contact #: +92 333 2333908 / Email:
General Secretary : SYED MEHDI ALI RIZV1 Contact #: +92 333 2144377 / Email:
Contact Address :
A-250, Block No.-D/2, Naya Nazimabad, Manghopir Road, KARACHI 75890 (PAKISTAN)
Email :
Web site :
Office Bearers:
President | ENGR. ABDUL MAJEED SHEIKH | 0333 2333908 | |
Vice President | ASIF FARID | 0300 8249889 | |
General Secretary | MEHDI ALI RIZVI | 0333 2144377 | |
Joint Secretary | I. H. T. FAROOQUI | 0333 3229288 | |
Finance Secretary | MUHAMMAD ZUBAIR | 0333 3674692 | |
Executive Committee Members:
MUHAMMAD ADNAN KHAN | 0333 2333926 | |
SHAHANA KAUKAB | 0300 2025449 | |
KASHIF IQBAL BUTT | 0334 3076339 | |
FAISAL IQBAL | 0321 2421191 | |
SYED SARMAD AHMED SHAH | 0324 3800170 | |
CAPT. (R) SOHAIL A. SHAIKH | 0330 3674567 | |
SYED ARSHAD ALI | 0300 8275125 | |
MUHAMMAD FAISAL | 0345 7778008 | |
SAEEDULLAH KHAN | 0311 0201355 | |